Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama rally coming?

15th of January today. Obama's inauguration is only 5 days away. The markets are anticipating an Obama bounce. Much like the one when he won the election. Will this happen? I think it is very likely. For one thing, he's a great talker and has a way of instilling confidence in people. Seconly, the markets have sold off fairly hard the last 6 trading days so that sets up a perfect back drop for a few days of rally. If the markets don't pickup by Friday. It certaily will by Monday. Further, Citi is releasing their earnings early tomorrow and I believe the markets will rally because it has already priced in the worst in the short term. So I would cover any financial shorts. After Obama's inauguration, it is very hard to say. Will the markets continue to rally for a few more days or sell off on the news? I wish I knew the answer!

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